Spring Cleaning? Tips to de-clutter!

It's that time of year again ... time to spring clean! Your junk drawers and closets are probably in need of a serious purge, and now is the time to do it. If you hate the clutter but don't know where to start, here are some easy tips that will have your house looking and feeling a lot more manageable:

Gather up all your user manuals and download electronic versions to a designated file on your computer and get rid of the paper originals.

Sort through your Tupperware and match lids and containers and throw everything else out.

Store plastic grocery bags in a box of tissues or a designated grocery bag dispenser.

Go through your makeup and throw out anything expired.

Designate a junk basket for each member of your family: Whenever you find stuff that can't be thrown out and doesn't have a home, put it in the basket so the person it belongs to can put it away or throw it out.

Set up a mail filing station so you are forced to sort and toss the junk right away. (Buzzfeed

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