What "time" are babies usually born?

When you are expecting a baby, your doctor can give you a due date, but when it comes right down to it, your baby decides when he or she is ready to be born. A new study out of University College London found that when babies are born without any medical intervention -- like C-sections and labor inducing drugs -- they are most commonly born at four in the morning.

The researchers analyzed five million births and found that 70 percent of spontaneous births happened outside of normal working hours, and most babies were born around 4 a.m. The rest of the spontaneous births were born between the hours of 1 and 7 a.m.

According to the researchers, these early morning births aren't just a coincidence. It's evolutionary. They explain, "Our ancestors lived in groups that were active and dispersed during the day and came together to rest at night. So a night-time labor and birth probably afforded the mother and newborn baby some protection." (Mommyish)

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