MS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD 859th DEPLOYING TO KUWAIT Gulf Coast Cities Host a Flag Wave for Convoy of Buses on Highway 90 Join the Sendoff for “Hometown Heroes” This Saturday, June 29th Pascagoula, MS (June 25, 2019) – The public is invited to join with area leaders and family members of the MS Army National Guard 859th Vertical Engineer Company as they depart Pascagoula this Saturday morning, June 29th. The group of 160 citizen-soldiers are flying to Ft. Bliss in Texas for training, then will deploy to Kuwait. The convoy of buses is scheduled to depart the Armory in Pascagoula around 9:00 am.
BEST PLACES TO PARK AND WAVE: If you’re traveling from the east (Mobile, AL) – the best place to park and stand on the shoulder of the road will be anywhere along Highway 90, westbound, from Hospital Road to Pascagoula St. (BEFORE 8:30 am) The entire Causeway (MLK Highway) west, after the high-rise bridge will have parking on the shoulder and a good view of the buses. Please exit/re-enter Causeway safely. (BEFORE 8:30 am) If you are in Gautier or Ocean Springs, or travelling from the west, we recommend anywhere on the westbound side of Highway 90 in Gautier, as well as the northbound shoulder on Highway 57 across from the Sunplex. There is NO STOPPING/PARKING ALLOWED ON INTERSTATE 10 unless you have an emergency. If you are in Gulfport you can travel to Airport Road and see the convoy. The bus convoy will disembark at the MS Air National Guard facility, adjacent to the Biloxi/Gulfport Airport. Please be in place by 9:00 am safely on the shoulder of Airport Rd. SOCIAL MEDIA: We encourage everyone to SUBSCRIBE to our You Tube channel by clicking on the icon with the blue colored lighthouse. The more subscribers we have, the more we can live stream events like this in the future. We will stream live on our Facebook page (City of Pascagoula – Government) and live tweet weather and updates on Twitter @PascagoulaCity Following the Flag Wave Sendoff, we will post the video to our YouTube Channel. RAIN PLAN: Safety first! Please bring ponchos or umbrellas in the event of light rain. If thunderstorms occur during the event, please return to your cars. Remember to always use headlights (no high beams) so you are visible to others, and signal your lane changes when exiting or re-entering the roadways, especially in the rain. Watch your children closely, please.