Old stuff to throw away during Spring cleaning.

Today is "Old Stuff Day," and a great day to start, or at least plan a little spring cleaning. Meaning: throw out some of the old stuff you have that is taking up space! Here's what experts say you should toss:

  • Old bed pillows and linens you never use because they’re old and ratty.
  • Beat-up old suitcases and duffel bags.
  • That collection of cheap vases from flower deliveries.
  • Books: Don’t throw them out but donate them. There are even libraries that will take your old books if they are in good condition.
  • The toys your kids never play with: If they are in good condition, donate them. If not, toss them.
  • Exercise equipment you never use: That treadmill that you have been draping clothes over for years needs a new home.(MSN)

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