Walter finally practices on his keyboard. (Playing along with ELO!)

Many many years ago, I played the piano a good bit. But, just like everything else that you enjoy, life gets in the way, and some things you push to the side. My wife got me this keyboard about 10 years ago, and I've probably spent 4 hours over that whole time frame fiddling around with it. While we are sheltering in place, I decided that I was going to start practicing at least a few times a week, and came up with a few other non-work related, enjoyable things that I was going to reconnect with!

(Suzi grabbed her phone and walked in on me while I was playing some ELO. What's really cool is that the original recording of Evil Woman is in the same key as my keyboard. I'm rusty, (not that good to begin with,) but, it's fun and I'll get better. Especially now that I've made the commitment.)

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