Men and Women disagree on who is doing the most work at home.

I want to think they Suzi and I are pretty balanced when it comes to "chores" around the house. It also seems to be somewhat flexible. She may do more one week with me picking up the slack the next depending on our different work duties. Of course, I may totally be fantasizing my role when it comes to house work (like the men below in this survey from the New York Times!)

According to this survey-

45% of men think that they are spending the most time home-schooling the kids. (only 3% of women agree.)

80% of the moms surveyed said they spend more time teaching their kids at home. The survey also found that 70% of moms say they are responsible for the majority of the housework, even when both parents are working from home full-time. And in couples with kids under the age of 12, 82% of women say they do most of the cooking and cleaning. (NY Times)

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