Our pets and the pandemic

Our dog Domino has been a bright spot for our family during these stressful times. He doesn't know anything about social distancing or mask, but he does love to jump in my lap and have me rub his belly. All is well in his little life and it's contagious!

In an article from SWNS, there was a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Royal Canin. It shows that my family isn't alone when it comes to the effect our pets have had on us during the Covid-19 crisis.

75 percent of those polled say that they couldn't have made it these past several months without their pet.

57 percent didn't feel as lonely when their pet was around, 49 percent say their pet helped with anxiety, and 47 percent even felt that their pet encouraged them to exercise! I don't imagine their pet was saying "drop to the floor and give me 20," but just the fact that their dog may have needed walking got them moving in some way.

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