There's a quiz trending on Buzzfeed now that asks the all important question: Are your eating habits weird? Here are the fun choices that will have you thinking twice about how you cut your peanut butter and jelly sandwich …
Do you eat your fries with the ketchup on top or on the side for dipping?
Do you bite into string cheese or peel it off and eat it strip by strip?
When there is only a tiny bit of milk left in the carton do you put it in the fridge for later or just finish it?
Do you slice your sandwiches diagonally or straight across?
Do you eat pizza with a fork and knife or with your hands?
Do you eat leftover pizza cold or warmed up?
Do you refrigerate your ketchup or leave it out on the counter at room temperature?
Do you ever mix ketchup and mayo together?
Do you prefer your bagels toasted or not toasted?
Do you pour your milk into your cereal or your cereal into your milk?
Do you cut up your spaghetti before eating it or twirl it?
Do you twist and lick your Oreos or just bite into them?
Do you double dip?
Do you put pickles on your burger?
Do you eat mac and cheese with a fork or spoon?