What do they say? Diet is 80 percent of the equation in regards to getting in shape! But- what if you could snap your fingers and be in shape instantly, but had to give up something? Here are the poll responses:
A new survey found that one in three respondents said they would give up sex for a year if they could instantly be fit. 25% said they would be willing to spend a week in jail if they could reach their fitness goals with a snap of their fingers. And 60% said they are so overwhelmed at the thought of starting and maintaining an exercise routine that they would rather just avoid starting one.
And- now that you've made that New Year's resolution, here are the top excuses for not working out:
- I don’t have time -- 35%
- I don’t see results -- 28%
- I feel I’m already too unfit -- 26%
- I don’t have the motivation -- 26%
- The gym is too far away -- 25% (SWNS)