Walter Brown

Walter Brown

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Sarah Bailey Thomas is the most famous person I've ever known!

Sarah Bailey Thomas is the most famous person I've ever known.......

Let's go back many many years. My Dad was the school principal at Escatawpa Elementary where Spencer and Donna Bailey were teachers. Lots of mutual respect between my Dad and the Baileys. Spencer and Donna are Sarah's parents and if you grew up around Pascagoula, you knew Sarah or her brothers Lea or Scott. Later in life, we all went to the same church, so I've known the Bailey's and their children for many years. And- my wife went to school and graduated (I believe,) with Lea. I'm the ole' fogey amongst this bunch. I knew them, but wasn't in the loop with all of their friends because I'm 7-8 years older. I do know that the Bailey's are a GREAT family and have always been involved in sports. I've met a lot of stars over my career but am so proud of Sarah and all she's accomplished. She's the most famous person I've ever known! Go get em' Sarah Bailey Thomas!

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